
Work Experience

23 Years Consulting Experience With Businesses Large and Small. B2B & B2C Business Development For Complex, High-Tech Products & Services.

I’ve worked with businesses large and small, from startups to the enterprise. I’ve lead, managed, and worked with others on countless projects. I help companies, leaders and teams get clarity on goals, objectives and challenges, create and implement transformation agendas,  and see these through from thought to profit.

Education & Certificates

My education is multidisciplinary, unconventional and adaptive – as am I. During Covid Lockdowns, I went and deepened my formal education so it could more closely match my self-taught skillset. built on real-world experience and being a constant bookworm. 

As an interdisciplinary, cross-functional polymath and continuous learner, I've covered a wide array of subject matter. I've grouped the various relevant experiences based on business themes to make it easier to understand.

Digital Strategy, Innovation, Digital Transformation DX, Management
Digital Transformation Certificate
University of Virginia - Darden School of Business
Customer Centric IT Strategy Certificate
University of Virginia - Darden School of Business
Design Thinking For Innovation Certificate
University of Virginia - Darden School of Business
Digital Product Management Fundamentals Certificate
University of Virginia – Darden School of Business
Leading the Modern Day Business Specialization
University of Virginia - Boston Consulting Group
Competitive Advantage | Business StrategyX
Wharton School of Business
Designing self-reinforcing activity systems to create sustainable, competitive advantage


Omnichannel Retail Strategy Specialization
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
- Retail Marketing Strategy
- Managing Human Capital in Retail
- Retail Digital Supply Chain

AI Applications in Marketing and Finance
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
Entrepreneurship Specialization
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
- Developing the Opportunity
- Launching a Startup
- Growth Strategies
- Financing and Profitability
Antifragility: Cultivating Entrepreneurship & Antifragility to Thrive in a Fast-Paced World
Massachussets Institute of Technology
AI For Business Specialization
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
- AI Fundamentals for Non-Data Scientists
- AI Applications in Marketing and Finance
- AI Applications in People Management
- AI Strategy and Governance
Business Data Management & Communications Specialization
Gies College of Business – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Financial Accounting
- Business Analytics with R
- Infonomics I & II – Business Information Economics
Predictive Analytics for Data Mining
Gies College of Business – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Improving Leadership & Governance in Nonprofit Organizations Specialization
University of Buffalo SUNY
Communication Skills for the Boardroom, Executive Management Advisory Council X 1 and 2,
ExecRanks – Executive Advisory Board
Mastering the management and administration of business from the ground up with for lean and digital market.
Executive Certifications
ExecRanks – Executive Advisory Boards
Developing Communication Skills for the Boardroom
- M&A at the Board Level
- Strategic Communication in the Boardroom
- Understanding SEC Compliance at the Board Level
-Member of ExecRank Councils:
- The Boardroom Best Practices Advisory Council (Aug 4, 2016)
- The Business Development Advisory Council (Aug 10, 2016)
- The Executive Management Advisory Council #2 (Oct 13, 2016)
- The Human Resources Advisory Council #2 (Aug 31, 2016)
- The Marketing Advisory Council #2 (Sep 1, 2016)
- The Product Development Advisory Council (Oct 6, 2016)
- The Software & Internet Advisory Council #2 (Jul 27, 2016)
- The Startup Advisory Council #2 (Aug 25, 2016)
- The Technology Advisory Council (Aug 11, 2016)
Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health
Harvard University

Warrior Week (WW54), RotK, & K Council

(WW54), RoTK, & K Council

Men’s Physical & Mental Leadership & Personal Development Program by Wake Up Warrior Endorsed by The Navy Seal Foundation.

Honorary Command Chief
Honorary Commander Program – Beale Air Force Base
Working as a civilian liaison with the fine service men and women of the 940th Air Refeuling Wing, The 13th Reconnaissance Squadron, home to the QC4 Global Hawk , U-2 Dragon Lady and the KC-135.

Learning the missions, platforms, culture and people while helping community on and off the base, and participating in a KC-135 refueling mission (It’s as cool as it sounds).

Heroik Academy
wrote 700 articles, 2.5 million words, over 50 business projects, 1,400 pieces of marketing collateral, studied under 13 different mentors from 6 industries, lead over 43 team building events, bootstrapped 3 businesses, created 5 new methodologies for business operations, 20 public speaking engagements
altMBA – Seth Godin
Mastering the management and administration of business from the ground up with for lean and digital market.

Fintech: Foundations & Applications of Financial Technology Specialization
Wharton School of Business - University of Pennsylvania Online

- FinTech Payments & Regulations
- Cryptocurrency & Blockchain
- Lending, Crowdfunding, and Modern Investing
- Applications of AI, InsurTech, and Real Estate Technology

DeFi: The Future of Finance Specialization
Duke University
- DeFi Infrastructure
- DeFi Primatives
- DeFi Deep Dive
- DeFi Opportunities and Risks
Extended Reality For Everybody Specialization
University of Michigan
- User Experience & Interaction Design for AR/VR/MR/XR
- Developing AR/VR/MR/XR Apps with WebXR, Unity & Unreal
Mindware: Critical Thinking For The Information Age
University of Michigan
Google Project Management Specialization
UX Design Specialization
- Foundations of UX Design
- UX Design Process
- Build Wireframes and Low Fidelity Prototypes
- UX Research & Test Early Concepts
- Create High Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma
- Build Dynamic UI for Websites
Google Professional Workspace Administrator
Digital Forensics Concepts
Forensic Accounting & Fraud Examination
West Virginia University

Certified Culler Level 1

Logikcull is the leading E Discovery platform, used to find needles in the digital haystacks in legal issues, digital forensics, audits, etc.

eDiscovery Specialist
Arkfeld – EDEC
- Eight phases of Pretrial eDiscovery
- Advanced IT for Legal Professionals
- Advanced Pretrial Discovery – Critical Issues Strategies and Tactics
The Strategy of Content Marketing
UC Davis
Content Strategy for Professionals
Northwestern University
Viral Marketing & How to Craft Contagious Content
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
Digital Marketing Fundamentals
Google’s perspective and wisdom toward digital marketing – spoiler alert – basically use all of their products.
- Sales Management Certification
- Frictionless Sales Certification
- Inbound Marketing Certification
- Inbound Sales Certification
- Growth-Driven Design Certification
- Email Marketing Certification
- SEO Fundamentals Certification
- Technical SEO Certification
- SEO Toolkit Certification
 - SEO Site Audit Certification
 - SMM Social Media Marketing Fundamentals- Certification
- PPC Fundamentals
- PPC Advertising Toolkit Certification
- Content Marketing Toolkit Certification
- Keyword Research Certification
- Backlink Management Certification
- Email Marketing Certification
AI For Business
AI For Business Specialization
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
AI Fundamentals for Non-Data Scientists
AI Applications in Marketing and Finance
AI Applications in People Management
AI Strategy and Governance
Fintech: Foundations & Applications of Financial Technology Specialization
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
FinTech Payments & Regulations
Cryptocurrency & Blockchain
Lending, Crowdfunding, and Modern Investing
Applications of AI, InsurTech, and Real Estate Technology
AI Applications in Marketing and Finance
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
Mindware: Critical Thinking For The Information Age
University of Michigan
Predictive Analytics for Data Mining
Gies College of Business – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Antifragility: Cultivating Entrepreneurship & Antifragility to Thrive in a Fast-Paced World
Massachussets Institute of Technology
Business Data Management & Communications Specialization
Gies College of Business – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Financial Accounting
Business Analytics with R
Infonomics I & II – Business Information Economics
Executive Communications & NonProfit Leadership & Governance
Improving Leadership & Governance in Nonprofit Organizations Specialization
University of Buffalo SUNY
Communication Skills for the Boardroom, Executive Management Advisory Council X 1 and 2,
ExecRanks – Executive Advisory Board
Mastering the management and administration of business from the ground up with for lean and digital market.
Executive Certifications
ExecRanks – Executive Advisory Boards
Developing Communication Skills for the Boardroom
- M&A at the Board Level
- Strategic Communication in the Boardroom
- Understanding SEC Compliance at the Board Level
-Member of ExecRank Councils:
- The Boardroom Best Practices Advisory Council (Aug 4, 2016)
- The Business Development Advisory Council (Aug 10, 2016)
- The Executive Management Advisory Council #2 (Oct 13, 2016)
- The Human Resources Advisory Council #2 (Aug 31, 2016)
- The Marketing Advisory Council #2 (Sep 1, 2016)
- The Product Development Advisory Council (Oct 6, 2016)
- The Software & Internet Advisory Council #2 (Jul 27, 2016)
- The Startup Advisory Council #2 (Aug 25, 2016)
- The Technology Advisory Council (Aug 11, 2016)
Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health
Harvard University

Warrior Week (WW54), RotK, & K Council

(WW54), RoTK, & K Council

Men’s Physical & Mental Leadership & Personal Development Program by Wake Up Warrior Endorsed by The Navy Seal Foundation.

Honorary Command Chief
Honorary Commander Program – Beale Air Force Base
Working as a civilian liaison with the fine service men and women of the 940th Air Refeuling Wing, The 13th Reconnaissance Squadron, home to the QC4 Global Hawk , U-2 Dragon Lady and the KC-135.

Learning the missions, platforms, culture and people while helping community on and off the base, and participating in a KC-135 refueling mission (It’s as cool as it sounds).

Heroik Academy
wrote 700 articles, 2.5 million words, over 50 business projects, 1,400 pieces of marketing collateral, studied under 13 different mentors from 6 industries, lead over 43 team building events, bootstrapped 3 businesses, created 5 new methodologies for business operations, 20 public speaking engagements
altMBA – Seth Godin
Mastering the management and administration of business from the ground up with for lean and digital market.
Business Data Management & Communications
Business Data Management & Communications Specialization
Gies College of Business – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Financial Accounting
Business Analytics with R
Infonomics I & II – Business Information Economics
Predictive Analytics for Data Mining
Gies College of Business – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Improving Leadership & Governance in Nonprofit Organizations Specialization
University of Buffalo SUNY
Communication Skills for the Boardroom, Executive Management Advisory Council X 1 and 2,
ExecRanks – Executive Advisory Board
Mastering the management and administration of business from the ground up with for lean and digital market.
Executive Certifications
ExecRanks – Executive Advisory Boards
Developing Communication Skills for the Boardroom
- M&A at the Board Level
- Strategic Communication in the Boardroom
- Understanding SEC Compliance at the Board Level
-Member of ExecRank Councils:
- The Boardroom Best Practices Advisory Council (Aug 4, 2016)
- The Business Development Advisory Council (Aug 10, 2016)
- The Executive Management Advisory Council #2 (Oct 13, 2016)
- The Human Resources Advisory Council #2 (Aug 31, 2016)
- The Marketing Advisory Council #2 (Sep 1, 2016)
- The Product Development Advisory Council (Oct 6, 2016)
- The Software & Internet Advisory Council #2 (Jul 27, 2016)
- The Startup Advisory Council #2 (Aug 25, 2016)
- The Technology Advisory Council (Aug 11, 2016)
Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health
Harvard University

Warrior Week (WW54), RotK, & K Council

(WW54), RoTK, & K Council

Men’s Physical & Mental Leadership & Personal Development Program by Wake Up Warrior Endorsed by The Navy Seal Foundation.

Honorary Command Chief
Honorary Commander Program – Beale Air Force Base
Working as a civilian liaison with the fine service men and women of the 940th Air Refeuling Wing, The 13th Reconnaissance Squadron, home to the QC4 Global Hawk , U-2 Dragon Lady and the KC-135.

Learning the missions, platforms, culture and people while helping community on and off the base, and participating in a KC-135 refueling mission (It’s as cool as it sounds).

Heroik Academy
wrote 700 articles, 2.5 million words, over 50 business projects, 1,400 pieces of marketing collateral, studied under 13 different mentors from 6 industries, lead over 43 team building events, bootstrapped 3 businesses, created 5 new methodologies for business operations, 20 public speaking engagements
altMBA – Seth Godin
Mastering the management and administration of business from the ground up with for lean and digital market.
Competitive Advantage | Business StrategyX
Wharton School of Business
Designing self-reinforcing activity systems to create sustainable, competitive advantage
Achieving Personal and Professional Success Specialization
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
- Success & Influence
- Improving Communication Skills
- Leading the Life You Want
Omnichannel Retail Strategy Specialization
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
Retail Marketing Strategy
Managing Human Capital in Retail
Retail Digital Supply Chain
Mindware: Critical Thinking For The Information Age
University of Michigan
Leading the Modern Day Business Specialization
University of Virginia Boston Consulting Group
Viral Marketing & How to Craft Contagious Content
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
Content Strategy For Professionals Specialization
Northwestern University
The Strategy of Content Marketing
UC Davis
Antifragility: Cultivating Entrepreneurship & Antifragility to Thrive in a Fast-Paced World
Massachussets Institute of Technology
Project Mgmt. Product Mgmt. Design Thinking, UX Design, Exeperience Design XD,
UX Design Specialization
Foundations of UX Design
UX Design Process
Build Wireframes and Low Fidelity Prototypes
UX Research & Test Early Concepts
Create High Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma
Build Dynamic UI for Websites
Google Project Management Specialization
Construction Management Specialization
Columbia University
Construction Project Management
Construction Scheduling
Construction Cost Estimating and Cost Control
Construction Finance
Extended Reality For Everybody Specialization
University of Michigan
User Experience & Interaction Design for AR/VR/MR/XR Certificate
Developing AR/VR/MR/XR Apps with WebXR, Unity & Unreal Certificate
Digital Product Management Fundamentals Certificate
University of Virginia – Darden School of Business
Design Thinking For Innovation Certificate
University of Virginia – Darden School of Business
Customer-Centric IT Strategy Certificate
University of Virginia – Darden School of Business
Digital Transformation Certificate
University of Virginia – Darden School of Business
Leading the Modern Day Business Specialization
University of Virginia Boston Consulting Group
Competitive Advantage | Business StrategyX
Wharton School of Business
Designing self-reinforcing activity systems to create sustainable, competitive advantage
H Academy
wrote 700 articles, 2.5 million words, over 50 business projects, 1,400 pieces of marketing collateral, studied under 13 different mentors from 6 industries, lead over 43 team building events, bootstrapped 3 businesses, created 5 new methodologies for business operations, 20 public speaking engagements
altMBA – Seth Godin
Mastering the management and administration of business from the ground up with for lean and digital market.
Digital Marketing Fundamentals
Google’s perspective and wisdom toward digital marketing – spoiler alert – basically use all of their products.
Warrior Week (WW54), RotK, & K Council
(WW54), RoTK, & K Council
Men’s Physical & Mental Leadership & Personal Development Program by Wake Up Warrior Endorsed by The Navy Seal Foundation.

Honorary Command Chief
Honorary Commander Program – Beale Air Force Base
Working as a civilian liaison with the fine service men and women of the 940th Air Refeuling Wing, The 13th Reconnaissance Squadron, home to the QC4 Global Hawk , U-2 Dragon Lady and the KC-135.

Learning the missions, platforms, culture and people while helping community on and off the base, and participating in a KC-135 refueling mission (It’s as cool as it sounds).

- Sales Management Certification
- Frictionless Sales Certification
- Inbound Marketing Certification
- Inbound Sales Certification
- Growth-Driven Design Certification
- Email Marketing Certification
- SEO Fundamentals Certification
- Technical SEO Certification
- SEO Toolkit Certification
 - SEO Site Audit Certification
 - SMM Social Media Marketing Fundamentals- Certification
- PPC Fundamentals
- PPC Advertising Toolkit Certification
- Content Marketing Toolkit Certification
- Keyword Research Certification
- Backlink Management Certification
- Email Marketing Certification
Digital Marketing Fundamentals
Google’s perspective and wisdom toward digital marketing – spoiler alert – basically use all of their products.
Omnichannel Retail Strategy Specialization
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
Retail Marketing Strategy
Managing Human Capital in Retail
Retail Digital Supply Chain
AI Applications in Marketing and Finance
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
Viral Marketing & How to Craft Contagious Content
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
Entrepreneurship Specialization
Wharton School of Business – University of Pennsylvania Online
Developing the Opportunity
Launching your Startup
Growth Strategies
Financing and Profitability
H Academy
wrote 700 articles, 2.5 million words, over 50 business projects, 1,400 pieces of marketing collateral, studied under 13 different mentors from 6 industries, lead over 43 team building events, bootstrapped 3 businesses, created 5 new methodologies for business operations, 20 public speaking engagements
altMBA – Seth Godin
Mastering the management and administration of business from the ground up with for lean and digital market.
UX Design Specialization
Foundations of UX Design
UX Design Process
Build Wireframes and Low Fidelity Prototypes
UX Research & Test Early Concepts
Create High Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma
Build Dynamic UI for Websites
Competitive Advantage | Business StrategyX
Wharton School of Business
Designing self-reinforcing activity systems to create sustainable, competitive advantage
Content Strategy For Professionals Specialization
Northwestern University
The Strategy of Content Marketing
UC Davis
- Sales Management Certification
- Frictionless Sales Certification
- Inbound Marketing Certification
- Inbound Sales Certification
- Growth-Driven Design Certification
- Email Marketing Certification
- SEO Fundamentals Certification
- Technical SEO Certification
- SEO Toolkit Certification
 - SEO Site Audit Certification
 - SMM Social Media Marketing Fundamentals- Certification
- PPC Fundamentals
- PPC Advertising Toolkit Certification
- Content Marketing Toolkit Certification
- Keyword Research Certification
- Backlink Management Certification
- Email Marketing Certification
Legal: Contract Law, eDiscovery, Digital Forensics & Forensic Acctg.
American Contract Law I & II
Yale University
Digital Forensics Concepts
Forensic Accounting & Fraud Examination
West Virginia University

Certified Culler Level 1

Logikcull is the leading E Discovery platform, used to find needles in the digital haystacks in legal issues, digital forensics, audits, etc.

eDiscovery Specialist
Arkfeld – EDEC
- Eight phases of Pretrial eDiscovery
- Advanced IT for Legal Professionals
- Advanced Pretrial Discovery – Critical Issues Strategies and Tactics
Health Innovation


The Social and Technical Context of Health Informatics
Johns Hopkins University 2023
Hacking Exercise For Health
McMaster University

Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health

Harvard University

Warrior Week (WW54), RotK, & K Council
Wake Up Warrior | Navy Seal Foundation
Men’s Physical & Mental Leadership & Personal Development Program
The Science of Well Being
Yale University


Out of The Ordinary, Startups + Street Cred


Honorary Command Chief - 940th Refueling Wing, 13th Recon. Sq.
Warrior Week 54, RoTK, ES, - Wake Up Warrior / Navy Seal Foundation

Startups [always educational]

  • OnlyWire - Mass syndication of publications in the pre-social media
  • SEP Connect - SEO boosting SaaS based on syndicating data across number of platforms
  • CareMonk - Care Provider platform that matches care givers with those that need care
  • LvlUp eSports CMO - A eSports Tournament and Media model based startup (secured opportunities with SmashBurger, White Claw & Steve Ellis Restaurant Group)
  • LandOnEarth - an ethnographic based app to help home buyers find their perfect home match for their lifestyles.
  • WeMicroGive - A Plaid based round up app that supports charities of user's chosing.
  • Startup Weekend 2x (eStars) - 48 hr hackathon format, helping college students develop and validate business models and ideas.
Advisor to AccelerateU Growth Accelerator
GrowthX Accelerator Strategic Partner - Expanding frameworks to new locations
Construction Management Specialization
Columbia University
Note: I completed this specialization to improve effectiveness in real estate investment projects with my clients and personal investments.
Oil & Gas Industry Operations and Markets
Duke University

ESG Risks and Opportunities

University of Pennsylvania

Note/ Spoiler: I gave ESG a chance here's the truth:
ESG is non-performative, inherently discriminatory, and does not add consistent value to firms. It does consistently demonstrate material and cultural harm to the bottom line, continuity, and integrity of organization. I cannot say enough bad things about this clearly politically motivated, unhuman, marxist concept, both as a harm to business strategy and humanity.


Tech Stack : TL;DR



Google Workspace – Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Gmail
Notion + AI  – Custom Built – Knowledge Mgmt. Proj. Mgmt. CRM)
Miro – Digital WhiteBoard Collaboration
WordPress – OpenSource CMS – pixels you can own and control
Adobe Creative Suite
– Photoshop mostly, Premier, Acrobat occasionally


Slack – Focused Sync and Async Collaboration
Telegram –
End to end encrypted secure coms
Loom –
Asynchronous collaboration and screen recording with AI enhancements
Zoom – Synchronous collaborative work and screensharing
Email –
If you absolutely must


ChatGPT – Deep Research and beyond
Claude – Content Generation
Grok – bypass censored thoughts and time window on Claude and 
DeepSeek –
Censor work-around
Perplexity – Research
Notebook LM – Resarch / Podcast
Notion AI – 2nd Brain
InVideo – Video Generation
DeScript – Video Gen / Edits / Podcast
Synthesia – AI avatars / Video
HuggingFace –
Exploring new AI
Ollama – Local AI Deployment
Meta AI – Spatial Computing Environments / VR
ElevenLabs –
Podcast Co-Host & Voice narration

Skills Overview

My skillset has focused around cross-disciplinary strategic development, campaigns, graphics, copy, content, tools, systems, relationship building, data analytics, process creation and optimization, goal tracking, and managing teams.  These are but some of the skills I rely on when launching marketing, business development from thought to profit.
